Everything on how and why ...
On this part of the website you will find more information about fidonet. What is fidonet and how is it working. Can I be an part of fidonet and what do I need for it, can I be an point of an system, or will I be myself and BBS/Node? Here you find an simple explanation:

Because the Dutch Fidonet foundation Elcom no longer exists since january 2000, I created some information pages on the BIER.028 website. You will find some links to fidonet, and also some pages to download software if you are interested to be an point or an node yourself. There are some chapters created wich will tell you about how fidonet was created, until some links and software pages.

Begin with the structure page:

1. Structure How is the fidonet structure working
2. About fidonet About fidonet, how is messaging working
3. History The history of fidonet from 1984
4. Software What kind of software do you need for fidonet?
5. Download Download fidonet software
6. Links fidonet links on the internet

Last change on this website was on: maandag mei 20, 2024, 17:32.

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